Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Governor Sarah Palin: Astrology

As you will see in her astrology chart, governor Sarah Palin is blessed from birth, with natural leadership, and, I might add, regal qualities.
Update: there has been unprecedented smearing of her and this gave me a reason to remember the Cinderella myth, which exists in all cultures.
She has a classic Kalasarpa Yoga both in her natal and 12th divisional chart. This, of course, indicates her rise to fame from small beginnings. As she indicated in her acceptance speech, she was just a "hockey Mom" who decided to run for pubic office to clean up the corruption in 1992.
Mars, Venus and Rahu are exalted; Jupiter & Saturn are in their own house.
We don't have a birth time, but I have rectified it to 10:45 AM which puts the rising sign as Taurus(her beauty pageant days) and her Moon pada as the 4th pada of UttaraShadra: "charitible, religious, truthful, wealthy, well liked." It turns out that she used the beauty pageant basically to help secure a scholarship for a couple of years.she's not really obsessed with that, and downplays it.
I would say that examining her chart indicates a real Queen, who is subtle, yet controlling, political and very
Billy Kristol,editor Weekly Standard predicted McCain would choose her in June and said gas prices will plummmet becaue of it.