Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Justin Timberlake Astrology

Justin has Mars and Mercury in his 7th house. Now Mars in the 7th, 4th, and 12th house indicates a kuja-dosha. This is considered unlucky for marriage in India. It usually mandates that someone with mangal(kuja) dosha will need to marry someone with the same mangal(kuja) dosha. Also some mantras will need to be performed (Hanuman mantra) and wearing red coral.
Mercury in the ascendant or in the 7th from the ascendant indicates that the native has a twin. Justin's twin died a few minutes after her birth. Her name was Laura Katherine.
The ruler of the ascendant, the sun, is in his 6th house conjunct with well placed Venus. Venus itself is the ruler of the 3rd of talents and the 10th house of career. So, the sun conjunct with Venus and Ketu in his life will indicate that this is his true hobby and delight in life.
He is in a sun period right now (2007-2013) and, as you know he has just founded his own recording company Ttennman Records) and signed his first performer Esmee Denters, a youtube sensation from the Netherlands.
His Moon is in Sagittarius, both Vedic and western, and, of course he is quite a player. He is a Capricorn and hence quite a shred businessman.
Saturn is strongly placed and conjunct Jupiter, both throwing a 5th aspect on Venus giving him his charisma.

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